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How to Dilute Essential Oils - Dreaming Earth Inc

How to Dilute Essential Oils

Why Dilute Essential Oils When applying essential oils to the skin, the most important thing to remember is that they should be diluted first. And a lot. For most situations,...
The Vanilla Absolute Shortage - Dreaming Earth Inc

The Vanilla Absolute Shortage

Over the past few months, we've been receiving a lot of calls from customers wondering why Vanilla Absolute has gotten so expensive and why it's so frequently out of stock....
Back to School Aromatherapy - Dreaming Earth Inc

Back to School Aromatherapy

  While you’re stocking up on all the usual back-to-school supplies, don’t forget that essential oils can help your children (or yourself if you're in school!) have a happier and...
4 Seductive DIY Aromatherapy Valentine’s Day Ideas - Dreaming Earth Inc

4 Seductive DIY Aromatherapy Valentine’s Day Ideas

Looking for a way to spend Valentine’s Day with your sweetheart that doesn’t involve reservations days in advance, an expensive meal out, or struggling into a slinky dress and heels...
Uses + Benefits of Tea Tree Essential Oil - Dreaming Earth Inc

Uses + Benefits of Tea Tree Essential Oil

How to Use Tea Tree Essential Oil Tea Tree essential oil is right up there with lavender and peppermint as must-have components of any aromatherapy kit. Tea tree essential oil...
Make Your Own Essential Oils First Aid Kit - Dreaming Earth Inc

Make Your Own Essential Oils First Aid Kit

Essential oils are natural antiseptics, healing and soothing agents and are perfect for creating your own first aid kit. Our top choices include lavender, tea tree, helichrysum, peppermint, eucalyptus, geranium...
Where do Essential Oils Come From? - Dreaming Earth Inc

Where do Essential Oils Come From?

In my office, I have a spectacular potted geranium. I love to sit and stare at it while I think about what tasks I should be doing next. Sometimes I...
Rosemary Essential Oil, Part One - Dreaming Earth Inc

Rosemary Essential Oil, Part One

Rosemary has such a fascinating and rich history, that we’re making this a two-part post.  We begin with the historical uses of Rosemary (the herb), and continue next week by...
Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils – Fact or Fiction? - Dreaming Earth Inc

Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils – Fact or Fiction?

We get quite a few questions about essential oil quality, with most of them falling into one of the following categories:   Are your oils therapeutic grade?  Isn't the term...