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Back to School Aromatherapy - Dreaming Earth Inc

Back to School Aromatherapy

  While you’re stocking up on all the usual back-to-school supplies, don’t forget that essential oils can help your children (or yourself if you're in school!) have a happier and...
Aromatherapy Basics - Dreaming Earth Inc

Aromatherapy Basics

New to Essential Oils? We love this simple chart which explains some of the aromatherapy basics. Learn easy ways to use Lemon, Chamomile, Lavender, Peppermint and Rosemary Essential Oils:  ...
Where do Essential Oils Come From? - Dreaming Earth Inc

Where do Essential Oils Come From?

In my office, I have a spectacular potted geranium. I love to sit and stare at it while I think about what tasks I should be doing next. Sometimes I...
Essential Oils for Parkinson’s Disease - Dreaming Earth Inc

Essential Oils for Parkinson’s Disease

A customer recently asked us for information and recipes to help deal with the symptoms of Parkinson's Disease.  In researching some ideas for him, we came across a site that...
Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils – Fact or Fiction? - Dreaming Earth Inc

Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils – Fact or Fiction?

We get quite a few questions about essential oil quality, with most of them falling into one of the following categories:   Are your oils therapeutic grade?  Isn't the term...
Joining the Blogging World - Dreaming Earth Inc

Joining the Blogging World

Welcome to our new blog!  Since our website is a bit utilitarian, we've been wanting to have a friendlier forum for quite awhile. With this blog, we hope to be...
Grant Tecniqode