
Make Your Own Conditioning Hair Treatment

I’m always on the lookout for hair conditioning treatments, but rarely find any that really work for me.  They make big promises that fall flat, or they provide only short-term improvement.  My ideal hair treatment would make my hair shiny, manageable, and lively, and would help diminish the effects of winter dryness, and summer water/sun/wind damage.  My hair is long, so it doesn’t take much for it to feel brittle, and get hopelessly tangled.

So, dissatisfied with what’s on the market, I decided to do some research and make my own hot oil treatment.  I love the results!  The combination I came up with revitalizes my hair and reduces tangles for weeks.  It also adds shine and brightens my natural highlights. The first time I used it was right before going to the beach for a 5-day camping trip.  In the past, by the end of this trip, I felt like I was living in the middle of a spider web. But this time I didn’t have to do anything special to counteract the effects of a week of hair abuse.

Here's our recipe for our all natural hair conditioning treatment:

Combine these oils in a two ounce bottle (a plastic, squeeze type is best, so it’s easier to apply) and shake vigorously to really mix the essential oils with the carriers.

To use:

  1. First, warm your oil.  Heat some water in a small pan, remove from the stove and place your bottle of  oil treatment into the pan of hot water for a few minutes to warm the oil.
  2. Wet your hair and towel dry.
  3. Apply the warmed oil to your hair (those with long hair may need to use the full amount, but most will need less), and then wrap your hair with plastic wrap or a shower cap.  Cover the plastic wrap with a towel (if you warm the towel beforehand, even better).
  4. You can leave the oil in for 45 minutes up to several hours.  I like doing the treatment in the evening, since it often takes two shampoos to remove all the oil.  I’ll wash my hair at night, and then again in the morning, followed by a normal conditioning.

Why are these the best oils for my hair?

  • Jojoba is a wax and it helps moisturize the strand, as the molecules are small enough to penetrate the hair cuticle.  It’s great for the scalp too, and because it’s a wax,  it won’t leave your hair feeling greasy.
  • Avocado oil contains high amounts of Vitamin A, B1, B2, D, and E. It also contains amino acids, sterols, pantothenic acid, lecithin, and other essential fatty acids. It's a rich, moisturizing oil that helps nourish, heal and regenerate damaged skin and hair.
  • Lavender essential oil is soothing to the scalp and hair. Basil essential oil promotes growth by stimulating circulation.
  • Sea buckthorn is rich in essential fatty acids, carotenes, tocopherols, and phytosterols and helps promote collagen production in hair, skin, and nails. Plus, like carrot tissue oil, its vibrant reddish color brightens natural highlights.

I have been applying a treatment monthly and I feel it has changed my hair, taking away that drab, dead look that can so easily happen to long or treated hair. Just today I received a compliment on how healthy my hair looked!


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