If you’re traveling anytime soon, don’t forget how easy it is to take essential oils with you on the road (or in the air or on the sea!). We’ve gathered together our favorite aromatherapy travel tips to help make your next trip your best!
1. Hand Sanitizer: Combine 3 ounces jojoba oil or aloe vera gel with 4 drops each of ravensara, tea tree, lavender, and rosemary essential oils in a small container for an all-natural and portable santizer to use on your hands, luggage handles, etc.
2. Car Diffuser: A car diffuser is one of the simplest ways to use essential oils on a road trip. Just add a few drops of peppermint, rosemary, or our Alert Blend and plug it into your car’s power receptacle or cigarette lighter.
3. Air Travel: Don’t forget the TSA rules for liquids: you can take as many containers of up to 3.4 ounces (roughly 100 mls) of liquid or gel as will fit in one clear plastic, quart-sized, resealable bag. The xray machine will not harm the oils. We don't recommend packing large amounts of undiluted essential oils in checked luggage. Essential oils are flammable and they also can be affected by extreme heat.
4. Motion Sickness: If cars, boats, or planes give you motion sickness, try ginger or peppermint oil. Add a drop or two to one of our diffuser necklaces or our new metal go-anywhere inhalers for relief.
5. Jet Lag: Traveling across time zones? Jet lag is no fun, but aromatherapy can help. Use calming oils such as lavender or chamomile to fall asleep and use rosemary or eucalyptus oil to help you wake up (or to help you stay awake).
6. Pocket Roll Ons: Rolls ons are one of the easiest ways to take aromatherapy with you anywhere! Available in Sleep Well, Head Ease, Inspiration, Finding Joy, Serenity, Uplifting/Energizing, Joint Ease, Muscle Relief, and Organic Lavender, these prediluted oils are ready to roll onto your pulse points or behind your neck or ears.
7. Freshen your Hotel Room: Place a few drops of your favorite essential oil on a cotton ball and place it in or clip it to the air vent of your hotel room’s air-conditioner.
8. Sunburn Ointment: If a beach vacation leaves you sunburned, try a couple of drops of lavender mixed with either coconut or aloe vera oil for soothing relief.
9. Banish Bugs: If your travels involve a lot of time outdoors, ditch the deet and take along essential oil-based Scatter. Or mix your own repellent by adding 4 drops of cedarwood atlas, 4 drops of lemongrass, and 4 drops of eucalyptus citriodora to 2 tablespoons of soybean oil in a small spray bottle.
10. Bug Bite Relief: If the above tip fails and you do get a bug bite, a drop of tea tree or lavender essential oil will provide relief. Unlike most essential oils, tea tree and lavender can be applied directly to the skin without dilution with a carrier oil.
Wishing you happy and safe travels, bon voyage!