
Niaouli Essential Oil


      Niaouli essential oil is a pale yellow or greenish oil with a sweet, sharp, fresh odor.  It is extracted by steam distillation from an evergreen plant native to Australia, New Caledonia, and the French Pacific where it has been used locally for respiratory ailments, body aches and pains, and infections.

Niaouli is a very versatile and useful essential oil. As already mentioned above, it is reported to strengthen the immune system. Shirley Price states that it activates defenses and augments leukocytes and antibodies in infected areas (Shirley Price & Len Price, Aromatherapy for Health Professionals). In addition, it is said to have direct antiviral action against herpes simplex, some strains of influenza and viral hepatitis. It is generally considered to be a strengthening and fortifying oil and a physical and mental stimulant that clears and revives the mind and body.

Using Niaouli Essential Oil for Stress and Exhaustion

Many people believe that when there is fatigue or exhaustion it is beneficial to stimulate the body as much as possible. This is not true - it is rarely, if ever good to subject the body to strong stimulants. Therefore, it is best to use Niaouli in small quantities (not more than 2 drops per application) and at night it can be combined with Lavender essential oil (Lavandula angustifolia) to prevent insomnia. In this way, the body will benefit from the fortifying action of Niaouli without the negative effects of over-stimulation. This is a wonderful oil to use when you have been sick or stressed for a long time and your body is in a generally weakened condition with low stamina and poor immunity.

Niaouli Essential Oil for Pain Relief

Niaouli is also a wonderful essential oil to use when you have body aches and pains. It has antispasmodic and analgesic effects that make it very useful for these applications. It is great to use in a diffuser when you have a cold because it will help fight the virus, open and stimulate the respiratory tract, mobilize and strengthen the immune system and fortify the body. It is an expectorant and very useful for the respiratory system (but, as with any essential oil, use only with guidance if you have asthma), as well as for the urinary tract (cystitis, urinary tract infection). To ease symptoms of cystitis, try a warm (not hot) sitz bath with two drops of Niaouli added.

Niaouli is a powerful tissue stimulant and because of this it can help to heal routine cuts and burns. Use 6 drops in a half pint of distilled water for washing wounds. Its strong antiseptic properties help in this respect and, because it is anti-inflammatory as well it can be a help for itching and inflamed skin. It can be applied neat to a pimple or insect bite but don't use more than 1 drop this way. Mix 2 drops in a teaspoon of carrier oil (such as grapeseed oil) for applying to athletes foot.

Properties of Niaouli Essential Oil:

Analgesic; anticatarrhal; antirheumatic; antiseptic; antispasmodic; diaphoretic; expectorant; febrifuge; stimulant; balances and regulates body functions; soothes; tissue stimulant. It is non-toxic and non-sensitizing but it is often adulterated and so the real thing can be hard to find.  Its chemical constituents include 50 - 60 % of cineol, eucalyptol, terpineol, pinene, limonene and various esters (Patricia Davis, Aromatherapy An A-Z).

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Niaouli is cool, dry, and slightly yin. Its main uses are to detoxify, decrease inflammation, and fight infection.



Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational purposes only, and not intended to treat, prescribe, cure, or diagnose any disease or condition. This information is not intended as a substitute for consulting with your physician or other health care provider. Dreaming Earth Botanicals is not responsible for any adverse effects resulting from the use of any of the suggestions, preparations, or procedures discussed. All matters pertaining to your physical health should be supervised by a health care professional. Keep all aromatherapy products out of reach of children.


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